Flu season is annoying. Nasal congestion and runny nose are two of the most common symptoms experienced during cold and flu season, allergies, and other respiratory infections.

They can be irritating and uncomfortable, affecting your sleep, daily activities, and overall quality of life. Nasal congestion is when the nasal passages become blocked, causing difficulty breathing through the nose, while a runny nose is when excess mucus flows out of the nostrils.

Find out how to deal with your symptoms fast with drug-free way!


  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids to help thin out the mucus in your nose. Remember, drink water not coffee or juice which will make you dehydrate faster.
  • Use a humidifier: Adding moisture to the air can help reduce nasal congestion and soothe irritated nasal passages. A portable steam inhaler or humidifier will make it way easier!

  • Saline nasal sprays: These can help relieve nasal congestion by thinning out the mucus in your nose and sinuses. Also they are totally safe and drug-free.
  • Avoid irritants: Stay away from smoke, dust, and other airborne irritants that can trigger a runny nose. If you have allergy problems, always remember to avoid you allergens.
  • Get some rest: Yes it works. Resting allows your body to divert energy away from physical activity and toward healing. This can help reduce inflammation in your nasal passages and airways, which can ease congestion.
  • Neti pot: This is a device used to rinse out your nasal passages with a saline solution, which can help relieve congestion and clear out mucus.
  • Warm compress: Applying a warm compress to your face can help relieve nasal congestion and soothe irritated nasal passages. This increased blood flow can help to reduce the inflammation and swelling that is causing the congestion.
  • Ginger tea: Drinking ginger tea can help soothe inflammation and reduce the production of mucus.
  • Garlic: Eating garlic can help boost your immune system and reduce inflammation in the nasal passages.
  • Get Steamy: Inhaling steam can help loosen mucus and relieve nasal congestion. When you breathe in the steam from a steam inhaler, the warm, moist air helps to soothe irritated nasal tissues and thin out mucus, making it easier to expel.
  • Essential oils: Using essential oils such as eucalyptus, peppermint, or tea tree oil can help relieve nasal congestion. Peppermint oil can help alleviate a runny nose. It has a cooling effect on the respiratory system, which can help reduce inflammation and soothe irritation in the nasal passages.

Check our steam inhaler with aroma therapy, remove your nasal congestion in seconds

  • Nasal irrigator: A nasal irrigator is a device used to flush out your nasal passages with a saline solution, which can help relieve nasal congestion and clear out mucus.
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